Finley Kirschenmann


Birthday: 12/13/2006

Hometown: Sandy, Utah

Discipline: Downhill, Dirt Jump, Freeride

How long have you been riding?

9 years

Who are your favorite riders?

Graham Agassiaz and Emil Johansson

What do you love about Ride Concepts shoes?

I love how they never get old, they will last you forever, and they aren’t only ride shoes they also are hood to just wear whenever.

What shoe do you ride in and why do you like it?

I ride in the Transition clipless and the Vice.

What are your goals as a rider?

Compete in Joyride, also rampage, I want to do it all.

What is your secret talent?

I can skateboard pretty well.

What’s your perfect day?

A rainy day in Whistler. Shred all day. Ride top of the world. Then come home to some chicken wings.